Stare de Urgenta Bulgaria CoronaVirus - Noutati din Albena

Stare de Urgenta Bulgaria CoronaVirus - Noutati din Albena

Conditii de amanare a sejurului de Paste si 1 Mai 2020 in Albena
Din cauza acestui eveniment privind răspândirea COVID-19, Guvernul Bulgariei a declarat stare de urgență iar industria turismului a fost puternic afectată.

În această situație incertă, compania care manageriaza statiunea Albena dorește să ofere flexibilitate suplimentară tuturor turistilor ce au rezervat un sejur in perioada 01.04.20 - 15.05.20 (inclusiv 1 mai și Paște). Se ofera posibilitatea de a amâna sejurul pentru perioada 16.05.20 - 14.06.20 (inclusiv) sau 10.09.20 - la 31.10.20 fără taxe suplimentare. Modificarile se realizeaza in functie de disponibilitatea hotelului.

Daca dotiti sa anulati - toate rezervările efectuate înainte de 08.03.2020 se pot anula numai conform conditiilor contractuale. 

Update 05.04.2020

Toți cei care au rezervat pentru Paști (16.04.2020 - 21.04.2020) și mai (29.04.2020-03.05.2020) în Albena:

își pot muta vacanța în 2021 - de la 30.04.2021 la 03.05.2021, păstrând toate celelalte condiții de rezervare neschimbate (preț, reducere, hotel etc.).
își pot amâna șederea în perioada 7 mai - 14 iunie 2020 sau 10 septembrie - 31 octombrie 2020, păstrând toate celelalte condiții de rezervare neschimbate (preț, reducere, hotel, etc.).
își pot amâna șederea în perioada 15 iunie - 9 septembrie 2020, păstrând suma totală a rezervării achitate și achitând diferența, calculată pe baza tarifelor sezoniere. Acești oaspeți vor primi, de asemenea, o reducere de 10% la tarifele sezoniere.

Toți care au rezervat o vacanță de la 05.05. până la 31.10.2020 în Albena, pot modifica orice detalii privind rezervarea lor în Sezonul 2020, păstrând suma plătită și plătind suplimentar pentru diferențe, dacă există

Toți cei care au decis să își anuleze vacanța în Albena

pot primi un voucher pentru contravaloarea rezervării lor cu o valabilitate de 24 de luni de la data anulării, care poate fi folosit în hotelurile din Albena
poate solicita o rambursare completă, care datorită Forței Majore și a Statului de Urgență, va avea loc în termen de 30 de zile calendaristice de la încetarea oficială a stării de urgență.

Detalii complete, in engleza, mai jos

Dear guests,

We are reaching out on behalf of Albena Resort to assure you that in times of uncertainty surrounding tourism and travel, the safety and wellbeing of the guests remain our highest priority. For more than 50 years, this core value guided us and it will keep guiding us thought the difficult challenge called COVID-19.

Our hearts and thoughts go out to the people who have been affected by this unprecedented event and we appreciate strongly the healthcare workers, local communities, and governments around the world who are on the front line working to contain this coronavirus. We want you to know that we are monitoring the COVID-19 situation around the clock and have precautions in place to ensure a healthy stay at any of our hotels.

In this uncertain situation, we know travel may not be your first thought, but we want to thank you in advance for putting your trust in Albena as you plan for future travels. We are at your disposal for any questions regarding your present or future bookings in Albena Resort. Below is an update on what we are doing, keeping your safety top of mind.

Flexible travel plans when booking Albena.

Everyone who has booked for the Easter (16.04.2020 – 21.04.2020) and May (29.04.2020-03.05.2020) in Albena:

  1. may move their vacation to 2021 – from 30.04.2021 to 03.05.2021, keeping all other booking conditions unchanged (price, discount, hotel, etc.).
  2. may postpone their stay from 7 of May to 14 of June 2020 or from September 10 to October 31, 2020, keeping all other booking conditions unchanged (price, discount, hotel, etc.).
  3. may postpone their stay from June 15 to September 9, 2020, retaining the total amount of the reservation paid and paying the difference, calculated on the basis of the seasonal rates. These guests will also receive a 10% discount on seasonal rates.


Everyone who has booked a vacation from 05.05. to 31.10.2020 in Albena:

  1. may change any details on their reservation in Season 2020, retaining the amount paid and paying extra for differences, if any. Differences for additional payment would occur if you, for example:
  • move your reservation from June to August, due to our different seasonal rates;
  • increase the number of nights;
  • choose a more expensive hotel.

Accordingly, there may be differences in favor of the guests which may be used as credit for services at the complex.



All changes will be accepted until the official end of the State of Emergency and will be approved according to hotel availability.


Everyone who decided to cancel their vacation in Albena:

  • can receive a voucher for the value of their reservation with a validity of 24 months from the date of cancelation and use it for holydays in Albena hotels. New bookings will be calculated based on current prices and discounts.
  • may request a full refund, which due to the Force Majeure and the State of Emergency, will occur within 30 calendar days of the formal termination of the State of Emergency.



Be sure that we take care of you before you arrive at Albena.

We are committed to the highest standards of sanitation and following the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Ministry of Health in Bulgaria related to COVID-19, strictly adhering to them.

We want you to know that:

  • We are a resort with restricted access and this gives us an advantage in maintaining a safe and clean environment.
  • We have a strict internal policy for a clean and safe environment for our colleagues and guests.
  • We have a Chief Sanitary Inspector in our team who oversees all regulations issued by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) and the Ministry of Health to keep our procedures up to date.
  • Comprehensive guidance on COVID-19 has been introduced at Albena Resort. It consists of detailed instructions that help prevent the transmission of the virus (including the application of hand disinfection stations and frequent cleaning of high-touch areas) and procedures, in case of doubt or confirmed case, by our guest or colleagues.

We will continue to monitor updates to Coronavirus Control Measures and make informed decisions on the advice of government, public health authorities, health professionals and our health experts.

With best wishes,

Albena JSCo